Milk which is placed in cereal does not require its own Bracha since most people add milk to their cereal to make it easier to eat.
The small amount of milk which is leftover after one finishes eating the cereal also does not require its own Bracha.
One who specifically added milk into the bowl after one finished eating the cereal would recite a separate Bracha on the milk.
Igros Moshe א”ח ח”ד סימן מ”ג, Pischei Halacha (Berochos) 7:38
לעילוי נשמת
ר' פינחס אליהו בן יעקב יוסף זצ"ל
ר' חיים יצחק בן דוד זצ"ל
In Memory Of
Leon Manaster
Chaim Melcer