The Bracha Rishona on Cheese Cake is as follows, Mezonos or Shehakol, and the Bracha Acharona is as follows, Al Hamichya or Borei Nefashos.
As with all cakes, the dough is considered the Ikkur (primary ingredient) and only Mezonos is necessary (Mishnah Berurah 212:1), even if there is less dough than cheese, and even if the cake is eaten mainly because of the cheese. However, to say an Al Hamichya one must eat a k'zayis of cake within a Kdei Achilas Pras (2-9 minutes). Otherwise, one says a Borei Nefashos. On the other hand, if there is merely a thin crust of dough, which is intended just to help you handle all the cheese, the dough becomes Taffel (subordinate) to the cheese and only Shehakol need be said.
Blessed are You Hashem our God King of the universe, Who creates various types of foods.
Blessed are You Hashem our God King of the universe, Everything was created through His words.
Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam, Borei Minei Mezonos.
Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam, Shehakol Nihyah Bidvaro.
Blessed are You, Hashem our God, King of the universe, for the sustenance and nourishment, for the produce of the field, and for the precious, good, and spacious land which You have graciously given as a heritage to our forefathers, to eat of its fruit and to be satiated with it’s goodness. Have mercy, Hashem our God, on Israel Your people, on Yerushalayim Your city, on Zion the resting place of Your glory, on Your altar, and on Your Temple. Rebuild Yerushalayim, the holy city, speedily in our days, and bring us up to it and make us rejoice in it, and we will bless You in holiness and purity. For You, Hashem, are good and do good to all, and we offer thanks to You for the land and for the sustenance. Blessed are You, Hashem, for the land and for the sustenance.
Blessed are You, Hashem our God, King of the universe, Who creates numerous living things with their deficiencies; for all that You have created with which to maintain the life of every being. Blessed is He, the life of the worlds.
Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam, Al Hamichya V’al Hakalkala, V’al Tnuvas Hasadeh, V’al Eretz Chemda Tova Ur’chava, Sheratzisa V’hinchalta Lavoseinu, Le’echol Mi’pirya V’lisbo’a Mituva. Racheim Adonai Eloheinu Al Yisrael Amecha, V’al Yerushalayim Irecha, V’al Tzion Mishkan K’vodecha, V’al Miz’b’checha V’al Heichal’echa. U’v’nay Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh Bim’hayra V’yameinu, V’ha’aleinu L’socha, V’samcheinu B’vinyana, V’nochal Mipirya, V’nisba Mituva, Oonevarech’cha Aleh’ha Bikdusha Oov’tahara. Ki Atah Adonai Tov U’maitiv Lakol, V’nodeh Lecha Al Haaretz V’al Hamichya. Baruch Atah Adonai, Al Haaretz V’al Hamichya.
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Haolam, Borei Nefashos Rabos V'chesronan Al Kol Ma Shebarasa L'hachayos Bahem Nefesh Kol Chai, Baruch Chei Haolamim.
For more info on the Bracha of Al Hamichya, Click Here.
For more info on the Bracha of Borei Nefashos, Click Here.
לעילוי נשמת
ר' פינחס אליהו בן יעקב יוסף זצ"ל
ר' חיים יצחק בן דוד זצ"ל
In Memory Of
Leon Manaster
Chaim Melcer